Nutritional Strategies for a Leaky Gut


As early as 400 B.C., Hippocrates stated that all disease begins in the gut. Long before the agricultural revolution and the industrialization of our food supply, before modern medicine or the invention of toxic chemicals and environmental pollutants, the root cause of disease had already been traced to the health of our gastrointestinal (GI) tracts.

Perhaps you have been plagued by recurring digestive issues or other chronic health conditions that you can’t seem to resolve. Complications stemming from GI imbalances or hyperpermeability can create symptoms not normally associated with gut health. 

Did you know that 70-80% of our immune system lies in the gut? (1) In a common condition called Leaky Gut Syndrome, the “mortar” between the “bricks” lining our intestinal tract becomes damaged, causing gaps that allow food particles and toxic byproducts to be absorbed into the bloodstream. This dangerously compromises our immune defense and causes systemic inflam­mation, GI discomfort, irregular bowel habits, and a diversity of symptoms in the body. If left unchecked, this process of inflammation will lead to what we traditionally recognize as a chronic disease. 

Concurrent lifestyle factors such as a poor diet, stress, sleep deprivation, excessive alcohol consumption, not exercising, and toxins in our food, water supply, cleaning, and personal care products can all contribute to hyperpermeability. In addition to practicing self-care, you can also implement these nutritional strategies to support gut health:

  • Eliminate inflammation-triggers such as gluten, dairy, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. If you are still symptomatic you may also want to consider eliminating other potential triggers such as nuts, soy, and eggs, or consider food sensitivity testing. The elimination and reintroduction process is highly individualized, so working with a qualified nutritionist can greatly assist you in safely navigating these dietary changes, especially if you have other dietary restrictions (e.g., vegetarian, religious/cultural considerations). 

  • Add nutrient-dense, gut-friendly foods. Bone broth contains collagen and gelatin, and amino acids (proline, glycine, and glutamine) that are wonderfully healing for a leaky gut, strengthening the gut lining to aid in digestion and absorption. Fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, tempeh, kefir, and kombucha help to restore a healthy balance of friendly bacteria. Fresh fruits and vegetables—including beans and legumes—and whole grains are essential sources of fiber, which are important for a healthy GI tract. Asparagus, artichokes, onions, leeks, garlic, chicory, and bananas also contain prebiotics that feed beneficial bacteria.

  • Seek out whole foods when possible and consider incorporating a variety of vegetables with every meal. Broth-based soups, salads, and grilled meat/fish with steamed or sautéed vegetables are good options when eating out. Batch-cooking meals ahead of time for leftovers—especially soups which you can freeze—makes eating healthy with a busy lifestyle much easier.


1.      Vighi G, Marcucci F, Sensi L, Di Cara G, Frati F. Allergy and the gastrointestinal system. Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 2008;153(Suppl 1):3-6. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2249.2008.03713.x.

This piece was originally published in Natural Awakenings Magazine July/August 2018